BY JOHN, 8/12/10


Knowledge is power, but knowledge also creates false information.



I’ve been reading about Dyslexia and now I think I have that. But, I’m more cautious now in my fifties, because I’ve laid claim to dozens of physical & mental diseases, tried their cures and I still remained sick, ineffective, incompetent & poor. So, now I think I have Dyslexia, but most Learning Disability treatment centers won’t take an adult seriously and don’t really have anything but psychology, cognitive psychology. You know, telling yourself more positive statements in place of the horrendously negative ones you have, I have. Check out OVERCOMING DYSLEXIA by Sally Shaywitz, M.D. because she claims to cure dyslexics. Maybe she can give you references for a dyslexia center near you. I don’t have any money, so I’m not even going to try…maybe later. The point is: 


No matter what your problem is, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual the cures are all similar. Read on.




The shame of the illness, any illness, makes your condition twice as terrible. So for example I’m depressed a lot, but I’m so ashamed and mortified that I start to hide the fact. I’m in the closet about depression. Gays are not the only ones in the closet. “Get rid of the shame, frustration, jealousy, lust, greed, pride, hatred, alcohol, drugs and violence, because the original problem can’t be cured anymore until you stop the overeating, self-medication and emotional insanity. Cure the OVER-REACTION to your deficit and then you will have a chance to be more successful and happier in life.


“Why did you leave your last job?” the job application intrusively asks. “None of your business!”,I think.  But, I can’t put that on my application, but neither can I say,


“I got burned out with negative thinking, because my depression started to pile up on me and I couldn’t get out of bed to go to work, without great trauma. Once I got to work I couldn’t get any work done & I started bad mouthing the company and supervisors.”


Maybe you have a false leg, so you always wear long pants. You never go to the beach, you never date, because eventually you’ll have to tell them & worse—show them. Oh sure, Sir Paul married a one-legged lady, but he’s an ex-Beatle, full of love and music. Now there are some people that will let everyone see their artificial leg and date people who don’t care. That’s probably a better way to live. But, then an artificial leg is probably not as big a problem as a damaged mind or having a fatal or chronic incurable disease. People have lost elections over the big “D” depression (Eagleton & Dukakis). I’ve heard some people admit they have mental illnesses, as cheerfully as it they said,

“I have an old pair of bell bottom pants in the attic”.

The drugs were obviously working for them, so who cares? If your helpful leg and your helpful pill are working, then there’s no need to hide it or be embarrassed.





Ok, so what’s dyslexia? Maybe you can’t sound out words or you don’t even know the alphabet without singing the ABC song. Slowly reading or reading slowly because you can’t read the words and sound them out quickly is the biggest result of this illness. Another part of your brain is guessing, investigating and writing a book about every sentence on the page. It wears your brain out and causes you to think in creative and strange ways. You can’t read as many books as others, because you don’t even remember what you just read & you read so slowly you can’t finish the book. Many college level dyslexics are very intelligent, but it takes them so long to do anything, they can’t read, memorize or finish research papers at their peer’s speed. Sometimes they can’t read as fast as someone in elementary school! You can still go to Yale or Harvard, if you work ten times harder than the average genius (You need a normal to above average IQ, leadership abilities, good grades and lot’s of accomplishments.) and if you don’t mind not having time to do anything else you too can be a dyslexic in the Ivy League. If you have a PhD, but still feel like a loser, then maybe you’re dyslexic.




REST 20 minutes in the morning and evening to meditate, pray or vegetate.

Take many 1-10 minutes breaks to rest the brain

Don’t think but just relax your mind & your face muscles.

Let your intellectual & emotional brain have a mini vacation & a nap.

Let thoughts wander around and only write down the important ones, if necessary.

Relax when tired by taking mini breaks.

Don’t over stimulate your mind with tension building entertainments or people.

Exercise twice a day, but stretch constantly.

Push positive & realistic thoughts into your head that bring sanity, rest and relief.

Work ten times harder than your normal friends and don’t complain about it.

Realize that your dyslexia (or other disabilities) may never go away, but a good attitude, good morals and a great work ethic will bring their rewards, maybe even Heaven.

If you are successful you can admit your dyslexia to others, unless you feel it will weaken your societal position too much.


“I’m stupid and I have to work twice as hard as everyone else, I should just quit.”


What will happen if you quit the game of life? You’ll lose the benefit of your creative genius and unique mind and others will also lose out without your contributions.


Life is a test, pass it & ace it and try to be number one.


Use positive thoughts every time you are angry, frustrated or embarrassed.




Dyslexic, depressed, immature & addicted people find it difficult to understand everyday events and relationships. They often zip passed the obvious solution, because they think it can’t possibly be that simple, so they over analyze things. Sometimes a dyslexic, whether they have additional mental illnesses or addictions along with their lower self-esteem or not will have seven or eight reasons for a problem & they get blurted out all at once. The normal person thinks that the dyslexic person is retarded or irrational because they failed to just explain one solution. The non-dyslexic person can understand your point if you carefully explain it from start to middle to finish with a conclusion. But the time & effort it takes to stick with one train of thought is often impossible and the dyslexic can’t do it. Many females are undiagnosed dyslexics. The dyslexic is sometimes daydreaming about how this or that problem is creating other problems in at least three countries in the world & if only someone would be polite enough to listen to him these and similar problems could also be solved.




 “Will straining my mind to understand my boss help my concentration and efficiency or make it worse?” Let me relax my mind quickly and then I’ll understand him/her better or the meaning will come to me later.”


“Will keeping my thoughts & questions to myself help or hurt me in the long run? So I must go & tell someone, after I’ve calmed down. I’ll get a drink of water first.”




 “Will this headache, which came from straining my mind help me to understand this paragraph in this book I’m reading? No, it’s time for a ten minute break, with no thinking or tension allowed.”




“Will stripping the bolt help me to understand how to loosen a bolt when I’m lying on my back, Lefty Lucy & Righty Tighty? Time for some water and a break.  If I’m standing up working on an upside down bolt:  Right is loosen and Left is tighten. DON’T overthink it!! It’s logical, so don’t resist the logic just do it. If it snaps then get the proper tools to drill it out and if you damage the threads re-tap it and get a new bolt at the hardware store.”


“When working on cars a mistake can be devastating so remember:  ‘Use the right tool for the right job’, and if you’re frustrated stop and walk away, till you’ve calmed down.  Go to the store and buy the right tool, if you don’t have it.”






 “He/She’s driving me CRAZY!! Are MEN/WOMEN all CRAZY!!! Calm down, you’re kind of crazy yourself sometimes, like right now, like you are now. Walk away and stop straining the brain to understand. Only God understands anyone fully. You don’t even understand yourself fully. Relax, (Extroverts) I need a break, I’m so upset I need to talk to someone. I need to be by myself (Introverts) for an hour or ten. Understanding what the opposite sex is saying & what they expect of me when I’m upset, fearful or angry is futile, I must calm down and think about the conversation later. If I want to have a relationship I must stay calm”.




“Will telling her off  help the relationship or destroy it? I don’t want to destroy it so, I’ll calm down and walk away, even if she keeps taunting, pushing and pulling at me and daring me to talk it out. She thinks talking will help her and me, but she is ignorant of all the anger and fury I have in me, for her sake I’ll walk away. She thinks that by insulting: me, my parents, my children, my religion, my job, my body and my friends that I’ll talk it out and some wonderful magic will happen that will heal our relationship. Her anxiety, and anger is making her irrational and that’s why she is provoking me to violence. She is acting crazy, so until she is calm I must leave this house immediately. If she puts a mark on me I’ll call the police. Once the police are called one of our lives will be destroyed forever and if the relationship continues it will never be as good.”



God loves you & wants to talk with You.


http://EmotionalMentalMindHealth.Yolasite.com [Psychological & Spiritual thoughts]


http://JesusChristIsTheTruth.Yolasite.com  [For all God seekers]


http://MyReligiousQuestionsViews.Yolasite.com [To get you thinking & researching]




BOOK REVIEW, 8/11/10




OVERCOMING DYSLEXIA, A NEW AND COMPLETE SCIENCE-BASED PROGRAM FOR READING PROBLEMS AT ANY LEVEL, BY Sally Shaywitz, M.D., © 2003 by Sally Shaywitz, M.D., Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Random House, Inc., NY, www.aaknopf.com, 1st ed., 366 pages.


According to the book cover sleeve Dr. Sally Shaywitz, is a neuroscientist, professor of pediatrics at Yale & co director of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention & her impressive credentials go on & on. For me she represents traditional Western Science. Even though science is always growing and changing, hopefully mostly improving, it is the one way that our American legal system backs up with various laws, patents and protections.


She believes that dyslexia is a real defect & can be successfully treated & she has improved many children & adults for over 20 years. Dr. Shaywitz believes that your child should be reading and understanding words, typically be the third grade, but it will be difficult to retrain the brain by that age. If your child or student can’t read the alphabet and sound out words phonetically by the end of first grade it may be time to get them tested. When boys and girls are tested en mass, classroom by classroom, good readers and bad, everyone, girls are shown to have dyslexia just as severe & in similar quantity as the boys. The boys tell jokes and act out when they are having troubles, but the girls just sit still and don’t cause problems. That’s why more girls aren’t tested, because the squeaky wheel or the hyperactive boy gets all the attention.


Many professionals, principals and teachers won’t test your children and some will blame you as the parent for being too emotional, neurotic or a worrisome. Don’t fall for this trap, find a professional who can diagnose and correct the problem. Once you are taught how to teach your child reading skills, you will feel confident and rejoice when your child starts to read at his or her on age level. The self esteem of the child will be damaged if the reading problems persist and so will the esteem of the parent or teacher.


Many dyslexic children never catch up or overcome their peers in reading speed or in rote memorization, performing fast thinking tasks or multi tasking but they may change the world with their innovative perspectives on problems. Sometimes they understand a problem from so many angles at once they seem like geniuses. They can be successful artists, athletes, leaders, and even rich business men. Some great business owners haven’t been able to read & they’ve let other managers read to them, pretending it was for their benefit, never revealing their embarrassing secret.


So, if you can be successful with less self esteem & dyslexia, which benefits society, then why change it?


This is always a good question to ask Social Planners. Do we want to make everyone have a positive attitude, eliminate all mental and physical illnesses, be good readers, full of confidence, lambs following the crowd, competent, happy with no suffering, socially responsible, and experience very little failure? What would happen if everyone was on an equal footing or even if every country made the same amount of money, same education, the same morals, the same religion, the same same?


The New World Order which will be one world government, one religion, one society, one morality, one currency, one language is almost here. The Bible predicts catastrophe for the Jews and Christians, but I suppose the majority of people will be happy. Of course, aside from religious apocalyptic considerations, all change, especially big overhauls will cause discomfort, chaos and unhappiness, until people get used to it. But, some will never be able to adjust.


Some studies have shown that positive & assertive people tend to be so confident & agreeable to their cocky peers that they accept any plan at work, but they often lose lot’s of money. CEOs are only correct 40% of the time and remember the Wall Street meltdown? The Nay-Sayers & Prophets of Doom warned Wall Street that the housing bubble would burst, but they were mocked and scorned. Even now, that they were proven right, they are still marginalized and largely ignored. Many of them were thinking outside of the box and could see the larger picture that the average person could not. I wonder how many of these pessimists were dyslexic? How much pain, destruction and future suffering could have been avoided if only their advice was respected and acted upon?


PRIDE COMES BEFORE A FALL [Proverbs 16:18, 11:14]


If businesses, schools, governments, military & social planners seek out these so called Prophets of Doom & they let Negative Nelly or Gloomy Gus look at the plan they will immediately point out the negatives and weaknesses in their plan. If their advice is heeded, weeding out the overly pessimistic warnings, but accepting the reasonable cautions, the plan will not only save money, but increase the likelihood of success.


The majority of the people must benefit from success of the few, that they helped to created, and not just a minority at the top, otherwise the grumblings will bring down the top of the pyramid. The shortsighted, spontaneous, diesel engines of industry seated on the cap stone need the cautious, slower moving, pessimists to inspect their dreams. The dyslexic & the pessimist can benefit the majority of people, but the optimists, though they may benefit the majority for a while, always wind up failing so greatly that they cause widest spread misery.


Without the Positive people society would also collapse under the cloud of darkness and pessimism. So we need, both. I hope we need both, because I’m the pessimistic sort. We should always accommodate everyone and make full use of their talents. That’s a win/win scenario.


I haven’t read the whole book, but read it yourself. I’m going to focus on chapter 20 for myself. “Helping Adults Become Better Readers”




See a pediatrician and he/she can refer you to a specialist.


Find a speech and language pathologist.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, for the names of certified speech & language pathologists 301-897-5700

or www.asha.org/proserv


Show the child’s teacher your observations of his/her reading & intellect. Ask the teacher to evaluate your child for the year and conference with her on the results.




International Dyslexia Association www.Idanatl.org


National Center for Learning Disabilities www.ld.org


If you know your child is falling behind, don’t accept assurances that, “She’ll catch up”, “He’ll do better next year” or “Don’t waste your money or time, he’s/ she’s ok”.




Degrees of Reading Program (DPRP) system, DPR-Booklink www.tasaliteracy.com


Reading/Language Arts Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.


Open Court Reading, California 2002 edition, Coumbus, Ohio: SRA/McGraw-Hill;  www.sra-4kids.com


A Research-Based Framework for Houghton Mifflin Reading:  A Legacy of Literacy, California 2003 edition, Boston:  Houghton Mifflin; www.hmco.com




Ladybug, Spider, and Cricket, Cricket Magazine Group, 315 Fifth St., Peru, Ill 61354 www.cricketmagazine.com


Ranger Rick, National Wiildlife Ferration, P.P. Box 2038, Harlan, Ioowa 51593, www.nwf.org.


Calliope, Cobble-stone Publishing, 30 Grove St., Peterborough, New Hampshire, 03458-1454. www.cobblestonepub.com


Time For Kids, www.time-forkids.com


Sports Illustrated for Kids, www.SIKIDS.com






By John, 7/28/10



I don’t advocate or reject any treatments:  in these references nor in the standard medical/psychological/educational nor in the alternative medical/psychological/educational treatments nor in public education, public special education or in Homeschooling Communities & alternative education methods. I say, trust everyone, but verify every claim by carefully recording the child’s abilities and disabilities before and after therapy. If it isn’t working, it isn’t working, move on to something else.


Believe in your gut feeling and parental instincts as to whether your child is improving or getting worse.


Don’t panic—ever, never, ever.


With enough time, love and dedication to your child or student improvements are sure to come.





HOW TO HOMESCHOOL THE EARLY YEARS, FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN AGES 2-9, TAPE 9 or 9, VHS Video, Produced & Directed by Dave & Joan Exley, Edited by Bill Williams, Production Services Provided in Melbourne, FL by A Cut Above Video Product, Inc, ACutAboveVideo.com;  www.HowTo HomeSchool.com, Order # for Tapes or DVDs:  (877) 321-4646.

UNDERSTANDING DIFFICULT CHILDREN, Jeff Bradstreet, M.D, (Florida), Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a founder of the International Autism Institute, 32 minutes, www.gnd.org.;  Ruth Beechick commentary on seminar & calming & rational advice to parents - 35 min.





Dr. Bradstreet of Palm Bay, Fl, has a ministry and not a medical practice for Learning Disabilities. If you can get an appointment the secretary will carefully screen you child and the parents & then decide whether he can accept another patient. That’s the impression he gave me in this video. He said He’s not looking for tons of patients, “I don’t want everyone switching over their HMOs to us. His legal disclaimer on the video says:  “This is general health care education material and has some advice”. In this seminar, he gives some tips on handling your difficult child. Parents must be relaxed and patient in order to help their difficult children.


Warning:  If you spank a 2 or 3 year old [I don’t advocate it] and they don’t ever cry, they should be checked out by a doctor because they might have a serious medical condition.


Autism Spectrum Disorders have increased about 450% in the last 12 years. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is also growing at an alarming rate and it is a worldwide problem. Many Learning Disabilities may be caused immune system disorders or neurological & hormonal problems.  Maybe 1-5% of children have hypo or hyper thyroidism and most doctors won’t do the test or even suspect it. Allergies, Asthma, Seizures, Encephalopathy, Trauma, Tumors, Calcium/Magnesium deficiencies and too little DHA (Essential Fatty Acids) also may be to blame.


Dr. Bradstreet is committed to Homeschooling his own children, one of whom has a form of autism and one is doing Crawling Therapy (Symetrical Tonic Neck Reflex {STNR} – Crawl Reflex). Babies should start crawling by about six months old for about six months, so the therapy to reverse it may take up to six months. Whether it concerns you or not, some medical professionals think of some of these ideas as unproven or even quackery. He gives tips based on his research, his ministry and obviously he uses his own methods on his children and he claims they are working well.


He likens Ritalin therapy for ADHD or Learning Disabilities as giving cocaine to your children, because the molecular structures look very similar and probably won’t help your child in the long run. ADHD can involve brain atrophy, so it definitely should be treated as early as possible, with the safest methods you can find.



Ruth Beechick provides a short commentary on his seminar. She is gentle, calming & rational in her advice to parents. She puts his talk and her experience into perspective.





PERCEPTUAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. Steve Shapiro, M.S. (Colorado), author of The Learning Connection and Falling Through the Cracks & other computer software to correct & enhance visual defects; 20 min., www.learning connection.com, Ruth Beechick commentary on interview with calming & rational advice to parents - 24 min.


Mr. Shapiro wanted to know what caused learning problems and he met an Optometrist who had some interesting ideas. He started to incorporate them into a method for curing learning difficulties. He claims that 80% of learning occurs through the visual system. He focuses on four basic learning areas that must be improved upon in order to correct most Learning Disorders the:  Visual, Auditory Processing, Perception & Motor Skills.


Nine out of ten parents can build the necessary skills in children. Don’t rush to medication or specialists unless the problem is severe or you need help.


Learning Disabilities sometime cause self esteem issues in a child and frustration in the parents.


He demonstrated eye tracking by holding a pencil 6 inches from his nose and moving it slowly to the right side, about six inches away, and then to the other side. Both eyes should follow the pencil and his did. Another test you can do for your children is to hold the pencil about the same distance away and ask them to concentrate on the eraser while you slowly move it closer to the nose and then slowly backwards. This will test the eye muscle strength and the eyes should both turn inwards (Crossed eyes) and then separate together. Don’t let the eyes stay crossed more than a second. An infant may not have this eye muscle development, so check on the proper ages to do this test. If the eyes go on separate tracks, jerk, vibrate or the child rubs their eyes and pushes the pencil away they have a tracking control problem. If you ask a question when doing the pencil tests and the eyes search the mind so the eyes move off the track of the pencil that means their brains can’t do more than one task at a time.



He claims, all the learning systems can be retrained with his methods and you will see improvements in writing, listening, balance, visual learning, math skills & self esteem.


Ruth Beechick provides a short commentary on his interview. She is gentle, calming & rational in her advice to parents. She puts his talk and her experience into perspective.





JOHN, 7/9/10


LIKE STARS ON EARTH, EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL, (Taare Zameen Par) 2009 DVD release, Rated:  PG. Produced and Directed by Aamir Khan. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Presents a PVR Pictures and Aamir Khan Productions film; 1 TV playable DVD:  165 minutes with English or Hindi subtitles. One Computer Only DVD & 1 Audio CD.  Starring:  Darsheel Safary, Aamir Khan, Tanay Cheda, Sachet Engineer, Tisca Chopra, Vipin Sharma…Lyrics:  Prasoo Joshi; Music:  Shankar Eshsaan Loy, Writers & Creative Director:  Amole Gupte.




AUDIO CD:  The music in the movie is sometimes to loud and frenetic but it lets us hear the mind of the eight year old boy. Much of the music enhances the moods of the movie and is quiet enjoyable. The music seems to be a mixture of ancient & modern Hindu Indian music.


MOVIE DVD:  This movie is not in a hurry at anytime. What’s wrong with this young boy, Ishaan (Dasheel Safary)? Is he retarded or autistic? The parents don’t know, actually they think they know--he’s a brat! The teacher’s also think he’s a rebellious obnoxious kid. Well…wait for the movie to progress…the audience must have patience. See the suffering, see the downfall, see the hero, see…. A good hearted temporary teacher, Nikumbh (Aamir Khan) takes an interest in Ishaan and starts to research this child’s grades, failures & successes and then the parent’s behaviors and then the mystery is solved. But there are still no solutions apparent for helping this unique boy. This movie will move you emotionally, especially if you keep watching to the end.

            I recommend this movie for anyone who had trouble learning & socializing in school & to parents and parents with a “problem child”. Will Ishaan fail, kill himself or succeed? I kept asking myself all these questions. The suspense was real. I really cared about Ishaan & for those in similar circumstances.


The Bonus DVD contains the adult actor, Mr. Khan, of the movie, interviewing a panel expert in children’s problems such as:   Cerebral Palsy, Retardation, Autism, Leaning Disabilities:  ADD, ADHA, Dyslexia, & special education of children and parents.

There are also some shorts from the movie.




mda@DyslexiaIndia.com, phone # + 91-022-255-6574

www/tulipchildren.org;  www/hindujahospital.com

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