

Disclaimer:  My Advice is partly based on wisdom, prayer, experience, ignorance, current, published thinking, a desire to help others & my virtually non existent knowledge about you! I’m in my mid-fifties. I’ve been out of work so much, but I’ve used my time to study myself & life in general. “The Literal Bible” is the twin engine turbo charged yacht I cruise on though I have piloted:  Agnostic, New Age & Liberal Church yachts & I am still willing to advise you on those inferior sailing vessels (Not real boats or ships, I’m speaking analogically or is it metaphorically?). Even CEOs are wrong 60% of the time, so don’t be too hard on your self or me. If you have serious problems get some serious professional non spiritual, professional spiritual counseling, marriage counseling, parenting classes, golf lessons, Twelve step programs, contact the Small Business Administration &/or a retired CEO. You can also get on the board of a:  non-profit, local school board, local politics, local community service or anything that will stop your self obsessing thoughts. Help others! If you’re a Christian you might memorize Bible texts, obey God & or research various doctrines to find out the perfect ones for you (That’s what I do).

Healthy self-improvement is positive, if you can welcome your flaws,

But also cherish your few:  positive traits, almost average health & your few loving behaviors.


I’m a Bible-believing & sometimes very literal Christian, but I’m not rigid or hateful, but that is mostly my opinion. Once you reject some of my beliefs I will accept that & say, “Ok, but what can I do for you?” No matter whom you are or what you believe God has always provided for you, so I’ll try to help strangers or friends with the wisdom I’ve also been given freely.

We all have to love our enemies in a peaceful & just society.

This is religious advice, because religion is expressed in everything I & you do. If you go to church, but steal, you’ll be remembered as a thief, because that was your idol & religion. If you are an atheist, your religion might be hating, mocking & blaming God & His followers. If you struggled, failed & bankrupted your self, family & friends hoping to become rich, sexy or successful, those elusive goals were your idols & true religion. But I will be glad to offer individual advice in that field also, any religion, philosophy or belief system. The more you explain yourself & let others criticize your beliefs the more truth & reality will emerge. I would like you to be a good whatever you are, be logical, face your doubts & become the best person you can be. Be a good whatever-you-are or at least know where you stand. I give advice, because I’m constantly trying to improve myself & seeking knowledge. Many times I fail, but I’ll try not to give you advice that didn’t work for me. I am not a model of perfection, but I’d like to help you to improve, if you will agree to help someone else.


You can know yourself, but that takes effort. To advance beyond average you will need a positive, healthy, but exhaustive self assessment. Self administered is better than, paid for assessments, if you can pull it off honestly & accurately. A paid assessment lasts about four hours & then they ask, “So what do you want to do with your life? You might be good at: __________________....”You’ll soon realize that you could have asked yourself those same questions. You will need at least one exhaustive life time assessment & then daily or weekly behavior accountings as long as your mind can function at that high a level. The assessment of your unconscious life & hidden fears & motives can be started on a long weekend that continues into several years & then the rest of your life.

Bear this in mind:  no one knows you as well as God.

If you don’t believe in God then no one really knows you.


You can interpret your dreams, as I do, based on the theory that the dreams are symbols of emotions, things you are thinking about, & things that you’ve seen or heard lately. Very rarely, they are messages, warnings or predictions. If you don’t have time to let your mind speak to you when you’re awake it will contact you in your sleep. Too many dreams can disturb your well being. Creative, depressed & traumatized (etc.) people have too many dreams. Knowing what’s on your mind usually won’t kill you or make you suicidal. If you have fears of suicide then seek out professionals & very supportive friends. Stay busy, but keep your mind awake. Don’t just go through the motions of life, enjoy it. Thoughts & ideas in your mind are only suggestions, but sometimes they are serious cries for help. It’s up to you to determine which thoughts & beliefs you want to keep & reject. Your mind has good, evil, silly, & much too serious thoughts in it, but you still are the master of your mind, beliefs & actions.

Keep learning until you die, what else can benefit you more?

You’re never done with homework, my teachers were right.


If you ask for advice, but you’ve been so busy with work, family, sports, entertainment, sex, drugs, religion, eating, drinking, lipo-suction (I have a strange sense of humor sometimes), helping others, astrology or music that you are not aware of you are & who you’ve become-- you will get lousy advice from me or anyone.

Your success, failure, path or direction is all proportional to your adopted or hidden moral commandments.

If success to you is a hidden desire to love yourself, family &others then, then business success is not your priority. Place it as number two or where ever it belongs & then you will accept moderate & sometimes weak financial success as long as your family loves each other & you love yourself.

Your success is also based on your strong & weak genetic influences.

Your success is also based on your parents or care givers. Did you have great, mediocre, lousy, rich or poor, busy or lazy parents? Can you even admit any good character or bad character in them?

Your success depends on following your given abilities & inclinations & then developing them.

Accepting your flaws & persisting in the game of life anyway, in spite of them, is a measure of how much realism, courage & heart you have. Build your character through truth; it will always win in the end.

Change yourself by repeating something similar to this:  


This exercise should change anyone’s life, at least a little.


In the worlds’ estimation Christianity was an embarrassment

But, it has made the biggest impact on the world for two thousand years.

Many husbands & wives were utter failures

But, they raised a child that changed the lives of thousands & maybe millions.

Many children were loners, picked on & failures

But, they grew up to be contributing members of society.

Suicide is usually a serious & baffling condition that goes beyond ordinary mental illness. If you believe in a long term Hell, if you feel responsible for the happiness of your self & others, if you are optimistic that tomorrow is another contest between success & failure you will hopefully avoid suicide.

If you kill yourself you’ll never know if you would have eventually overcome depression, failure, unemployment, divorce, poverty, crime, sin, self hatred, fear, anxiety, boredom or a negative philosophy. Don’t you want to find out how you would have ended up?

You want to kill yourself, because your business, marriage, education or therapist failed. Maybe you’ve been playing in the wrong park. You’re playing soccer, when you should be on a basketball court that’s why you are so confused & desperate.

Drop everything & everyone that makes you want to kill yourself. If that doesn’t make you happy then get therapy of some kind or a different kind of therapy & also start following your dreams.

Are you following the dreams of beer, car or erectile-dysfunction commercials?

You’re a book keeper but you want to be an artist (Your skill here________________________). At least try & fail at art before you kill yourself. You were destined to fail or become depressed as a book keeper (Your hated occupation here________________________), because you had a different calling.

You didn’t really want to be married, but you forced yourself to stay in it, but the other person sensed it & now you’re separated or divorced. Are you going to kill yourself because you disgraced your religion, family or society? Don’t make that mistake again & then you’ll deserve to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself no matter what, we all make mistakes.

God forgives you; ask Him if he forgives you.

Get on a plane, bus or run to escape self hatred & addictions &/or mental illness if you have to. Or better yet say, “Yes, I failed at happiness, marriage (or whatever) & disappointed a lot of people. I will try not to make that mistake again, but I also need to feel joy again so I can go on with life. I will make myself happy everyday, if only for a moment”.

You lost in the stock market, but don’t jump off a high building. Maybe you wanted to be running a donut shop, teaching or have a business, do something different. Quit trying to make big money in the wrong field & do what you were meant to do or what you now need to do.

You are in the wrong job, because the thought of poverty &/or judgment from others was so overwhelming you couldn’t let yourself be who you were created to be. Stop it!

Keep a job, but if your hobby starts to pay, make it part-time, etc.

Hope is an antidote to despair. Do little things that increase your chances for happiness.

You’ll never benefit from knowing that your family, friends, fellow students & co-workers are crying at your funeral; as a ghost floating above your coffin.

End of Suicide Advice.

Why don’t you find out if your family, friends, fellow students & co-workers love you now? If they don’t, find new family, friends, fellow students & co-workers?

Until you find these new family, friends & co-workers make an effort to find out what your current family, friends, fellow students & co-workers need & why. Who were they, who are they today, what are their dreams & what are their birthdays? Write it down in a permanent book, like an address book. This advice is mostly for forgetful & self absorbed men (Almost all men).

Keep your family, friends, fellow students & co-workers, workers, bosses, customers & find out how you can serve them, but keep your view points, morality & integrity intact.

Spend time in reflection & journal in a hidden diary. You can shred your entries immediately, but get it out on paper. Writing is better than typing them.

How can you get good advice if you don’t know what you need, who you are or what the rules of earth, animal & human life are?

Learn throughout your life & it will constantly improve.

If you try to understand yourself in your 20-40’s you will attain some wisdom in your 50’s.

You should strive to know yourself through resting (Sabbath) once a week & a 20 minute daily reflection.

Watch & judge your behaviors. Would you want someone to say to you what you said to so-&-so?

You should seek wisdom to know if there is a God, religion, system of living or a moral system that works. Try different ideals out & discover the best fit, as far as possible, for you.

You must also realize that you are going to be held responsible for your words & actions. In fact you already are responsible, so take time to evaluate yourself.

Don’t strive to be perfect in an instant. One brush stroke doesn’t make a realistic painting.

Don’t hate yourself for failing or love yourself for succeeding.

Loving & respecting yourself & others is unconditional & not based on performance.

Challenging yourself to do better is healthier than shaming your self.

Find easy things at school, work, family, Church, Temple, Mosque, Shrine, that you can improve on & put your new behavior into practice & rejoice, thank yourself & praise yourself!!

If you have a God praise Him/Her first.

Everyone who does well deserves honor, give it to yourself & one day others may honor you.

Every day decide what your mistakes where & take a minute or a couple of hours if necessary to make a plan of action to be a better person.

Develop a lie detector. What did the person, presentation, organization leave out, fail to prove & rush past? Did they use ridicule, self-promotion & impatience against their competition? Did they define terms or change the meanings of common words? Did they admit their product or positions weaknesses as well as strengths? Did they rush you to a commitment, judgment or signing?

Rushing to agree, accept & commit to someone/something is a character flaw, work against it.

Let your enemies put you down, but don’t you do it.

Prove your worth with actions & success.

Let your defense be successful actions not words.

Sometimes you must defend yourself with words, indignation or simply saying, “Excuse me?”

Spend time firming up your beliefs & eliminating doubts, it is necessary & it will cheer you up. Whether it’s from a sacred book, videos, or talking with like-minded friends, learn it.

If your beliefs, religion & philosophy are dying from neglect, put them fully into practice.

Nothing’s perfect, cut out the rotten parts, the lies, the weaknesses in your belief, religion & philosophy.

No one’s perfect, cut out the rotten parts, the lies, the weaknesses in your beliefs, emotions, intellect & theories.

On your death bed you’ll probably regret, not loving, helping, visiting, hugging, befriending someone that wanted you to be there for them.

On your death bed you’ll probably regret not following your religion & developing a relationship with the God of the universe.

When dying you won’t care about the false gods that you worshipped:  money, education, sex & power; nor the ones your religious, scientific & humanistic leaders taught you:  money, education, sex & power.

Your last words could be: 

“I was faithful to God, my Lord. I put you above all false goals & my selfish dreams. God I submit & recommend my spirit into your safe keeping,

Through the blood, sweat & tears of God my Savior”.


Don’t get too obsessed with success, peace, happiness, health, pleasures, or even religion.

All those things won’t matter. No matter how much or how little success you achieved in this life you will die.

No one in the grave or Heaven or Hell will be impressed with your stories of money, fame, conquest of women/men/territories, activism, community action, wine, criminal acts, stupid behaviors or your high level of education.

None of those things matter in the next life. None of your successes or failures will mean anything once you’re dead, so keep this life in perspective.

When you try too hard you usually fail. So work, relax, have fun, pray, meditated, exercise, help others & submit to God today & every day.

Stop the negative brain chatter & only allow concentrated thoughts about what you are doing & in between allow positive thoughts to express them selves.

If you found a book that could make you wealthy & give you eternal life, you would read, memorize & put all of its advice into action. Every spare moment would be with that book. You’re whole life would be about either sharing this information or keeping it a secret. I recommend the Bible, but don’t keep it a secret. Many Christians think that because they are “born-again” they are right with God & they can go back to their idols of a big house, fast car, sexy lovers, important job, exotic vacations, highest education, expensive pets & projects with a passion. Not so, make God your only God & keep your priorities in a holy perspective. Whatever comes your way:  poverty or money, success or failure, good or bad health, profit or a not for profit company take it all as a challenge.


Enjoy your life & leave it in better condition than you received it. Whistle & sing often. Say hello. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Be kind to the unlovable. Give to those who can’t smile, thank you or appreciate what you’ve done for them. Make this life your gift to God. Thank God for the positive, the lack of certain negatives & even the negatives. Put some effort & thought into it, because this is the only gift you will give Him from this your life.


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