By John, 8/03/10


How long has it been since I’ve worked this time, one month, one year or three years?

Do I have someone that’s helping me to pay the bills?

Do I have someone that loves me and cares for me when I’m sick & hurt?

Am I once again on the verge of homelessness, will I be living in my car or in the woods?


After a while it doesn’t matter what the:

 Democrats, Republicans, the religious, the atheists, women, men, immigrants, enemies or anyone has done…I’m now placing the blame on myself. I’m not good enough, I’ve failed in life. I’ve failed my family. I’ve failed my friends and country. Heck, I’ve even failed God, Nature, Evolution, the gods & Existentialism. Can I sink any lower?


Fear suddenly sweeps over me like a cold wind.


Yes, it can always get worse, disease…punishment, being robbed, beaten, cold, heat, bitten, fined, arrested, jailed, raped, addicted, depression worsening & turning to complete insanity….


John:  I don’t mean to complain, oh God, but I thought you were looking out for me. Where is my cloud blocking the burning sun? Where is my column of fire at night keeping the animals, nightmares, demons, and cold from tearing at me? Where is my reward of Job, giving me back two times more than I had before? [Job 42:10]


Where is my wife and children, my smiling, happy, loving, healthy family? No one wants me, because I’m broke and not very much fun to be with right now. At least if I had financial security, money in the bank…maybe I could have…You could give me:  skills, talents and good looks. Money would be nice. A friend or two wouldn’t hurt. My family doesn’t care about me much, they don’t visit me or hang out much, but that’s ok, family is family.



“KABOOM, RUMBLE, RUMBLE, Rumble!!” said the thunder.


And suddenly I can sense a presence in my mind. Some thoughts are coming to me, strong, short and to the point.


God:  John, it’s you again, complaining as usual?  I thought we settled this a long time ago.


John:  But, God, it always happens again:  the despair, the fear, the abandonment by family, society and You, God.


God:  I’m here, I’m always here, and I never went anywhere.


John:  I know you never…you’re omnipresent, everywhere at once, so you’re here, but here for everyone, not just me.


God:  Would you like me to abandon the whole world so you will feel loved, cared for and important?


John:  No, maybe…yes, just for a little while, if you wouldn’t mind. No!! Just pay me a little extra attention. You know? Make sure I always have a job….


God:  Even if you don’t want one and are ungrateful when you have one?


John:  Ninety percent of people working hate their jobs, but you don’t let them off the hook by getting laid off or fired.  What now?  Hah, I got you there. I’m finally seeing the whole picture of why I’m so mad at you.


God:  I’m too busy for your scorn. Make your case quickly.


John:  I know that I feel hopeless, because I forget that You’re always with me.


God:  And you have all the gifts you need to survive in this world. Jesus said,


“Seek, and ye shall find”. [Matt7:7] and Matt. 6:33, KJV says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”


But, that means go out and look for a job, get an education and job training. Take the job. Then, study and meditate on the job, learn it. Then, learn more and get better and faster at it. Don’t reject a job, just because the pay isn’t good enough. Stop worrying about buying things you don’t need, expensive things to impress people, but instead be satisfied with a simple life. What if one day you didn’t care,  didn’t covet a nicer car, house, family, trendy clothes, expensive eye ware, liposuctioned stomach, hair dye, money in the bank and you just chose to live joyfully with Me day by day, without fear?


John:  That’s nice in theory, but people will make fun of me. Some will reject me, because I’m not keeping up with the Joneses. Some people will think that I’m rejecting them and think I’m better, happier in my poverty than them. I might even start to believe it, and you know what they say about pride? “Bad stuff that pride”


God:  Maybe you think you’re a comedian.


John:  God, please just give me some hope, a reason to live, some strength to carry on. I don’t want to kill my self, I’ll let you kill me, when you’re ready. But I get so depressed…I’m no good to myself or anyone else when I get this way.


God:  Ok, so you admit, it’s YOUR problem? That’s a beginning. Just keep trying to get a job. Keep developing your talents. Keep telling people about me. And remember, you died to yourself, for Jesus, as Jesus did for Me, because your real life begins in your resurrected mind & body. The old body & mind were disposable, so don’t panic so much. Whatever happens to you probably isn’t the end of the world, although America is going to be reduced to more poverty and suffering. Remember, you can get used to anything, after about six months. Always determine to go to Church, bring money to church and find your whole purpose in being my son. Spend less, save more and spend less. Christians should be helping each other out, but they’re buying speedboats, fancy cars, tattoos and big houses to impress people. Be the kind of Christian you want others to be to you. Try to help people, even in your darkest days. Someone else may have a darker night and need the little light that you have. Be someone that I’m proud of.


John:  Thanks God, Jesus, I’m feeling a little better now. The night of the soul is always darkest before the dawn.


God:  Sometimes, if you have faith that your depression is vanishing, you’ll open the blinds and curtains and look for the light to dawn. Sometimes its morning, but you are living in the dark, shutting out and preventing the sunlight from entering.


John:  Thank you, you always help me when I spend time talking to you.


God:  I bless you.


John:  Thank you.


God:  I bless you.


John:  I’ve been looking at the negatives again:  How little the job pays, how tired I get, how I’m not old enough to retire yet, how mean the supervisors are and me fearing that I might get fired. I guess I should give thanks in all situations, especially when I get a job?


God:  You’re welcome. Do you know how difficult it is to give a job to a depressed person, who doesn’t want one? I really have to work on the personnel to see you as a potential asset to the company & I make them feel that I’ll bless their company if they help the hopeless ones out with jobs.


John:  I know, I’d hate to have your job. Well, thanks for giving me a little hope and a little money to fix my car.


God:  You’re welcome. I strike your depression and it is dying on the vine.


John:  At least, I can still drive my car & I won’t have to walk or take my bike to work under the burning Florida sun, frequently interrupted with rain showers.


God:  You’re welcome. Negative demons, I smite you!!


John:  I guess you won’t do for me what I can do for myself?


God:  (Silence)


John:  Silent, huh?


God:  Seek God in the silence. [Psalms 46:10]


John:  Why do I have to suffer so much? Others just…I don’t know, have a good attitude, learn rapidly, don’t forget everything the next day and advance. After two or three days they know a lot of people and enjoy coming to work. It takes me two or three weeks to understand and get half way good at the job and then I can relax enough to answer someone when they talk to me.


God:  Where’s the silence?


John:  It’s not good to bottle things up. You have to let then negative thoughts out, even if it hurts. You have to clean out the wound.


God:  Unless I kill the infection it will get worse and worse.


John:  Did you see the job manual with all the rules?  Come on, everything is geared to protect the company and to let you know that you have no rights, except the right to quit. They just exploit us. In the dictionary, if you look up Reagan or Bush you’ll see this definitions: 


“Reaganisms, Bush or Bushwacked:  The concepts that businesses are more important than individuals and the majority of people must live in poverty to support the few rich, two to three percent of the citizens at the top. This is a vast improvement over slavery, even though it is only an extension of it and a clever modification. The modern slave worker can own property, vote, get married, be protected by the police and bring a complaint to court. He is free to work two or three jobs in order to live in a descent house, buy an expensive car, use doctors to keep them alive past forty years old, etc.”


God:  The poor will always be with you. [Matthew 26:11]


John:  Oh God, why don’t they pay us a “Living Wage”?


God:  Blessed are the poor in spirit. [Matt. 5:3]


John:  Why do I have to be one of the poor?


God:  At least you don’t have all the responsibilities and worries of the rich.


John:  True, but I just need about $20.00 an hour, if the price of everything stays the same. You know, go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, take a walk, go to church and don’t even think about the job when I get home. If I had enough gas money, maybe I could go to church everyday. Why do they have to live in mansions and drive expensive cars and go on three and four vacations a year, like the Presidents do? Don’t we also need to rest and fun?  We can’t afford it and can’t even get the time off…Oh Lord the light is fading. I’m angry again. I’m in Hell or Purgatory, but help me…


God:  Thank me for what you have and stop talking about all the injustice in the world. Bless me and I’ll bless you.


John:  All right, humph. (Petulant) Thank you for giving me the money to pay some bills. Thank you for giving me the honor that comes with working, (Happier) my family is more proud and relaxed when I’m working. (Despairing) But I only have $379.00 in the bank, and I deposited two weeks worth of checks or maybe one week, but I already have a hundred and seventy-five dollars in the bank. Once I pay off the credit card for the car parts I’ll be in trouble again and what happens if they fire me then. (Defeated) I’m so tired, so weak, why can’t I get Government Disability?


God:  Do you have the money to pay lawyers to fight for a Disability Claim? Can you live off the small amount they will grant you? Will it make you lazy and afraid to get a better job if it comes along, afraid to lose the small regular check? And this is Florida, they’ll make you go to the doctor and try to get you back to work again. You can’t win. Work hard and if you die, you won’t have to work anymore. You’re always begging me to take your life. Why not work hard and let it take your life? You’ll have more money, get weaker and weaker until you either get in a car accident or get a stroke or a heart attack. Win-win for everyone. You’re children can say, “Dad worked himself to death and left us some insurance money too!” Yeah Dad!!


John:  Yeah, but with my luck, I’ll probably get better and stronger and have to keep working into my seventies. Or, worse I’ll get a heart attacks and strokes and have to go to work with chest pains, dragging half of my paralyzed body around, while people laugh at me. Ha, ha, that’s funny. Like a Frankenstein, dragging his bad leg behind him, ha. That will be me, maybe I’ll talk like him to. “When lunch? Me hungry.”  “Me go home. Me tired.”  “Growwwl, ok, me take out garbage.”  “Fire is bad!”  “Me go sleepy now.”


God:  Don’t worry about Me. Me just running Universe!


John:  Good one God. Oh, right, you’re busy. Well, laughter is the best medicine.


God:  Next time you’re in the hospital asked for an IV (intravenous) Bag of Comedy. Up north you have severe winters, short spring and fall and hot summers, in Florida you have hot, but mild summers, mild compared to the deserts, short winters and beautiful springs and falls. You have plenty to eat and drink, because of your mom, so rejoice! You’re living in Heaven on Earth, like an oasis in the desert of grinding poverty that so many are living in, so try to show some appreciation. Your depression wearies me, not because you have it, but you let your winter of discontent drag out too long. Let thanksgiving and praise be spoken out loud during depressions. Let the spring time of hope come, enjoy the summer of happiness and prepare in the fall of man for the time of winter death and do it over again. The four seasons of mental life, will continue until death, so try to plan for it intelligently.


John:  You can talk to me that way but, most people won’t like that harsh reality. You should sugar coat it maybe.


God:  Sugar rots your teeth and your brain.


John:  Ok, thank you God, you really are terrific. At least I got to experience life all of these years, maybe the alternative was much worse. You are holy and I’m not. I complain a bit too much, but I know that everything is in your hands. I know that if I love and trust you more and take a cheerful outlook things will be much better for me.

I just have to form the habit of joy in good times and in bad. Forgive me for whining and thank you for the job and for helping me change my CV drive shafts without messing anything up. Amen. Talk to you soon.


God:  Ok, your welcome and I want to see you smiling and thanking Me more, it’s for your benefit.


by John L. Decossaux


Les soldats chrétiens: Nous montrons notre gratitude à vous en vacances militaires, mais alors vous devez retourner à vos propres vies pensée intérieure. Sont à la recherche de plus pour les louanges des gens que Dieu? "Car ils aimèrent la gloire des hommes plus que la gloire de Dieu", John 12:42-44. C'est une impasse de s'attendre à ce la gloire éternelle pour les sacrifices du passé. Dieu n'a pas caché l'ordre du jour de & Il ne prétend pas que vous êtes parfait. Il se sent mieux d'apprendre que vous êtes humain et imparfait, tout comme ceux qui n'ont jamais servi dans l'armée. On oublie très vite les héros, mais je dois vous vivez avec vous-mêmes. Pensez-vous avoir des regrets, la honte, la rage, la haine et la violence? Avez-vous l'amour, la gratitude, la miséricorde et la sainteté? ABBA Dieu voit Jésus en vous et l'appelle parfaite et vous êtes appelés bienheureux et sauvé! Vous aurez un soleil jour dans sa gloire et recevrez également votre gloire de Dieu. «Que votre lumière luise ainsi devant les hommes, afin qu'ils voient vos bonnes œuvres et glorifient votre Père qui est dans les cieux», Matthieu 5:15-17. «Mais celui qui fait la vérité vient à la lumière, afin que ses oeuvres soient manifestées, parce qu'elles sont faites en Dieu", John 3:20-22. LSG, BibleGateway.com. Le champ de bataille, la station d'alimentation, poste de pilotage, le navire de ravitaillement, à l'hôpital et / ou emplois de bureau sont tous importants. Merci de ne pas seulement l'accomplissement de votre mission avec l'excellence et l'honneur, mais pour revenir et faire de votre famille et de ce monde un devoir sacré à remplir. Ce champ de bataille: «la vie civile» est devenu plus difficile, mais vous êtes bien entraînés et bien préparés. Vos nouvelles commandes sont dans la Bible. Votre commandant en chef est Jésus-Christ. Votre mission est plus difficile à tourner sur vos sentiments, les émotions et les plans de mission à Yeshua ha'Mashiach. Faites-le aujourd'hui. C'est effrayant pour soumettre votre tout à Dieu, mais ça vaut le coup. "N'allume pas une bougie, et la mettre sous le boisseau, mais sur un chandelier, et elle éclaire tous ceux qui sont dans la maison", Matthieu 5:14-16. Memorial Day 2012. John L. Decossaux, le 28 mai 2012. Laissez le passé derrière et prendre tout ce que Dieu vous a donné.

Los soldados cristianos: Mostramos nuestro agradecimiento a usted en los días festivos militares, pero luego tienes que ir de nuevo a sus propias vidas mentales internas. ¿Está buscando más por las alabanzas de la gente que Dios? "Porque amaban más la gloria de los hombres que la gloria de Dios", Juan 12:42-44. Es un callejón sin salida para esperar la gloria eterna para los sacrificios del pasado. Dios no tiene ninguna agenda oculta y de Él no pretende que usted es perfecto. Se siente mejor al saber que eres humano y fallas al igual que aquellos que nunca sirvió en el ejército. Pronto se olvide a los héroes, pero tengo que vivir con ustedes mismos. ¿Tiene remordimientos, la vergüenza, la ira, el odio y la violencia? ¿Tiene el amor, la gratitud, la piedad y la santidad? ABBA Dios ve a Jesús en ti y lo llama perfecta y que se llaman bienaventurada y salvo! Usted será un sol del día en su gloria y también recibirá su gloria de Dios. "Deja que tu luz brille ante los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos", Mateo 5:15-17. "Mas el que practica la verdad viene a la luz, que sus obras sean manifestadas que son hechas en Dios", Juan 3:20-22. RV, BibleGateway.com. El campo de batalla, la estación de suministro, la cubierta de vuelo, barco de suministro, / hospital y puestos de trabajo o escritorio son importantes. Gracias por no sólo la realización de su misión con excelencia y honor, pero para regresar y hacer de su familia y de este mundo un deber sagrado para llevar a cabo. Este campo de batalla: "la vida civil" se ha convertido en más de un desafío, pero están bien entrenados y bien preparado. Sus nuevas órdenes están en la Biblia. Su comandante en jefe es Jesucristo. Su misión más difícil es a su vez sobre sus sentimientos, emociones y planes de la misión de Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Hágalo hoy mismo. Es aterrador para presentar su todo a Dios, pero vale la pena. "Ni se enciende una vela y ponerla debajo de un almud, sino sobre el candelero, y alumbra a todos los que están en la casa", Mateo 5:14-16. Día de los Caídos de 2012. John L. Decossaux, 28 de mayo de 2012. Deja atrás el pasado y tomar todo lo que Dios te ha dado.

Christian Soldiers:  We show our appreciation to you on military holidays, but then you have to go back to your own inner thought lives. Are looking more for the praises of people than God? "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God", John 12:42-44. It's a dead end to expect eternal glory for the sacrifices of the past. God has no hidden agenda's & He doesn't pretend you are perfect. It feels better to hear that you are human & flawed just like those who never served in the military. We soon forget the heroes, but have to you live with yourselves. Do you have regrets, shame, fury, hatred & violence? Do you have love, gratitude, mercy & holiness? ABBA God sees Jesus in you & calls Him perfect & you are called blessed & saved! You will one day sun in His glory & will also receive your glory from God. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven", Matthew 5:15-17. "But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God", John 3:20-22. KJV, BibleGateway.com. The battlefield, supply station, flight deck, supply ship, hospital &/or desk jobs are all important. Thank you for not only performing your mission with excellence & honor, but for coming back & making your family & this world a sacred duty to perform. This battlefield:  "Civilian Life" has now become more of a challenge, but you are well trained & well prepared. Your new orders are in the Bible. Your Commander And Chief is Jesus Christ. Your toughest mission is to turn over your feelings, emotions & mission plans to Yeshua ha'Mashiach. Do it today. It's frightening to submit your all to God, but it's worth it. "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house", Matthew 5:14-16. Memorial Day 2012. John L. Decossaux, May 28th, 2012. Leave the past behind & take everything God has given you.

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