Jld, Revised 5/24/10



Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a kid?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a teen?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a son?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a brother?

Please forgive me.




Just because I apologized doesn’t mean you don’t have to apologize too, unburden yourself from a guilty past.

You can apologize for:

 Embarrassing me; mocking me; humiliating me;

Frightening me; threatening me; hitting me;

Revealing my flaws, faults and secrets; spreading rumors; insulting me in private;

 Insulting me in public, so others could hear;

Attacking &/or damaging my property;

Commanding me under threat of violence;

Pretending to be my friend, so you could crush me;

 Pretending to love me while others laughed;

Pitying me, while you laughed at me;

Picking on me to prove I was a coward;

Moving away from me to prove you weren’t my friend;

Mocking my church, religion, my sins & my God;

Getting me to take the blame when innocent;

Giving me advice without helping me to learn it;

Kicking my cat, hurting my dog;

Making me wish I were dead;

Getting me to hate myself;

Trying to get me to kill myself;

Using my suffering to increase your joy;

Baiting me to fight & get beaten up by you;

Making me hate you and wishing I could kill you;

Teacher, you humiliated, discouraged & frustrated me.

Boss, you said, “If you don’t like it, there’s the door”.

Priest said, “Memorize the prayers then come back.”

Nun said, “You’ll never pass you’re too stupid.”

Dad said, “If you don’t like it there’s the door.”

Mom said, “It’s my house & if you don’t like it…”

Jesus said, “If you won’t come to my party, don’t come.”

Author:  Wait a minute Jesus. If I don’t accept and follow you you’ll let me go to Hell and then to be resurrected and thrown into the Lake of Fire? Isn’t that siding with evil? I suffered in this life the least you should do is make me good and make me follow you.

Jesus:  I have invited you, but you must come to me and follow me till your death & I will pray for you.






Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a kid?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a teen?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a son?

Please forgive me.


Remember all the stupid, selfish and cruel things I did as a brother?

Please forgive me.


Why is your apology so short, compared to the apology you want others to give to you?





 Embarrassing you; mocking me; humiliating you;

Frightening you; threatening you; hitting you;

Revealing your flaws, faults and secrets; spreading rumors; Insulting you in private;

 Insulting you in public, so others could hear;

Attacking &/or damaging your property;

Commanding you under threat of violence;

Pretending to be your friend, so I could crush me;

 Pretending to love you while others laughed;

Pitying you, while I laughed at you;

Picking on you to prove you were a coward;

Moving away from you to prove I wasn’t your friend;

Mocking your church, religion, sins & your God;

Getting you to take the blame when innocent;

Giving you advice without helping you to learn it;

Kicking you cat, hurting you dog;

Making you wish you were dead;

Getting you to hate yourself;

Trying to get you to kill yourself;

Using your suffering to increase my joy;

Baiting you to fight & get beaten up by me;

Making you hate me and wishing you could kill me;

Teacher, I humiliated, discouraged & frustrated you.

Boss, I said, “I don’t like this job or you”.

Priest, I didn’t spend much time in religious study.”

Nun, “I was too stupid to pass.”

 I said, Dad, you are mean & unfair.”

I said, “Mom you’re mean & unfair.”

I said, “God you’re mean & unfair.”

Making you feel guilty, when you protected yourself from me.








 [French, Spanish & English; Google Translate]

John L. Decossaux, 6/8/12


RELATIONS AVEC LES gens imparfaits
Par John L. Decossaux, 08/06/12
La règle numéro un dans la vie est la suivante: Ne paniquez pas - AGGGGGGHHHHH ... Je veux dire, "Tout ira bien, il suffit de travailler sur patiemment et jusqu'à ce qu'il y est la paix". Si le bateau a quelques fuites, évider l'eau que vous ramer votre bateau, ne vous arrêtez pas ramer, parce que l'eau vient en plus vite et vous couler avant que vous atteigniez votre destination. Ne criez pas et crier que le bateau coule, parce que vous ne vous gâcher la journée et tout le monde de la journée.
Ayez la foi que les gens peuvent être raisonnés. Vous aurez défauts jusqu'à ce que le jour de votre mort, mais ils feront de même. Ne prenez pas leurs défauts comme une tentative délibérée de vous blesser. Ne leur laissez pas penser que vos défauts sont la cruauté et la haine contre eux. Il faut être deux pour se disputer. Vous pouvez haïr, accuser, la demande et la malédiction, mais personne ne l'apprécierez. Au lieu de choisir d'aimer, de comprendre, respecter et respecter. La vie est si courte, tenons-nous avec quelqu'un dont nous avons besoin jusqu'à ce que nous développons une compréhension, peu importe combien de fois nous avons à entrer dans le même conflit. Nous vous tiendrons pardonner jusqu'à notre mort, si nous voulons être plus heureux. Dites-leur que vous les aimez et leur pardonner et vous voulez qu'ils vous aiment et vous pardonne. Attendez jusqu'à ce que vous avez tous deux présenter des excuses et offrir à chaque autre, un nouveau départ. Il travaille.

RELACIONES CON personas imperfectas
Por John L. Decossaux, 08/06/12
La regla número uno en la vida es: No se asuste - AGGGGGGHHHHH ... quiero decir, "Todo estará bien, sólo funciona con paciencia y hasta que haya paz". Si el barco tiene unas pocas fugas, saque el agua a medida que remar su barco, no deje de remar, porque el agua llega más rápido y usted se hunden antes de llegar a su destino. No grite y grite que el barco se está hundiendo, ya que sólo arruinará su día y todos los demás días.
Tenga fe en que la gente se puede razonar con ellos. Usted tendrá fallas hasta el día de su muerte, pero ellos también lo harán. No tome sus defectos, como un intento deliberado de hacer daño. No deje que ellos piensan que sus defectos son la crueldad y el odio en contra de ellos. Se necesitan dos para discutir. Usted puede odiar, acusar, la demanda y la maldición, pero nadie va a disfrutar. En su lugar elegir amar, comprender, respetar y respetar. La vida es tan corta, vamos a seguir con alguien que necesita hasta que desarrollemos un entendimiento, no importa cuántas veces tenemos que entrar en el mismo conflicto. Vamos a seguir perdonando hasta que morimos, si queremos ser más felices. Dígales que usted los ama y los perdona y quiere que te amo y te perdono. Espere hasta que ambos se disculpan y ofrecen entre sí un nuevo comienzo. Funciona.



By John L. Decossaux, 6/8/12

The number one rule in life is:  DON'T PANIC--AGGGGGGHHHHH...I mean, "Everything will be okay, Just work it out patiently & until there is peace". If the boat has a few leaks, scoop out the water as you row your boat, don't stop rowing, because the water comes in faster & you'll sink before you reach your destination. Don't scream & shout that the boat is sinking, because you will only ruin your day & everyone else's day.

Have faith that people can be reasoned with. You will have flaws until the day you die, but so will they. Don't take their flaws as a deliberate attempt to hurt you. Don't let them think that your flaws are cruelty & hatred against them. It takes two to argue. You can hate, accuse, demand & curse, but no one will enjoy it. Instead choose to love, understand, comply & respect. Life is so short, let's stick with someone we need until we develop an understanding, no matter how many times we have to enter the same conflict. We will keep forgiving until we die, if we want to be happier. Tell them you love them & forgive them & you want them to love you & forgive you. Wait until you both apologize & offer each other a new beginning. It works.


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